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Our Dozen Roses bouquet features roses in various colors including red, white, pink, and purple to express your love and affection. The bouquet includes a vase, bow, and greenery to add the perfect finishing touch. We take pride in doing everything in-store, refusing to outsource our flower arrangements like other online companies. Trust us to deliver the highest quality blooms straight to your doorstep. 


Please note that the actual arrangement may vary slightly from the image shown. If you have any questions or would like to customize your order, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 


Dozen Roses

PriceFrom $79.00

  • If you like mornings or evenings for delivery, just let us know at checkout. If you have a specific time in mind, give us a call at 281-543-2409!

  • If there's more information about your delivery,please write it down on the 'Add Note' section on the cart page.
